Girls who are retarded


The Return
EVERYDAY at school i hear about some girl who was hurt emotionally or physically and its getting rather annoying

People need to see what they are getting into and be smart about it


Girl: Josh, he hit me again last night.
me: well leave his ass
Girl: but i love him
me: well apparently he doesn't so you need to leave him before he really hurts you
Girl: but i love him and i never want to leave him

Girls need to be smart for once and at the first sign of danger....LEAVE
That's not love that's Stockholm Syndrome.

While it is the name of a high school band I was in, it's a mental....I guess disorder is the right name.

It is where the "hostage" shows signs of loyalty to the "hostage-taker", regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which they have been placed.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ December 15, 2008 05:42 pm) QUOTE (ubertrance @ December 15, 2008 04:40 pm) but im tired of hear about it
then I believe a STFU is in order. but yeah all the girls at my school do is b**** and complain and don't get a ass about anything.
well im nice so im not going to do that but girls need to realize that they dont have to get beat up just to stay with a man
QUOTE (ubertrance @ December 15, 2008 05:40 pm) but im tired of hear about it
Like Capt'n siad, just play your "Shut the Hell Up" card, seems first. Then it gets fun.
QUOTE (Hachi @ December 15, 2008 04:50 pm) QUOTE (ubertrance @ December 15, 2008 05:40 pm) but im tired of hear about it
Like Capt'n siad, just play your "Shut the Hell Up" card, seems first. Then it gets fun.
I have to agree with hachi

I have never felt "love" very much. Though I think I can understand, having someone is better than having no one.

When I found my reason to live was gone it was devastating, and sometimes you need to let it out though you don't want to listen. You doubt yourself, everything around you. Sometimes yhe pain has to flow out in tears. And everyone's pain is individual, I do not know much about "break-up's" or guys hitting me but I do know pain of the mind.
QUOTE (Ketsueki @ December 15, 2008 06:05 pm) *girl*

I have never felt "love" very much. Though I think I can understand, having someone is better than having no one.

When I found my reason to live was gone it was devastating, and sometimes you need to let it out though you don't want to listen. You doubt yourself, everything around you. Sometimes yhe pain has to flow out in tears. And everyone's pain is individual, I do not know much about "break-up's" or guys hitting me but I do know pain of the mind.
Wow, you're nearly as fucked-up as I am (I'll send you a PM detailing why).
I responded, I just got out of a bath so I was a bit light headed, so I gave you an outline.
lol I feel if the girl is stupid enough to hang around then she should take the pain...
Some other reasons are if the girl is mascoistic (and yes I will admit to being both S&M) but some girls like pain. I do, I actually shouted "YEY" when I was told when I was getting a shot....

But also some girls do not have the self confidence, this can happen to anyone. If you do not feel good about yourself it is easier to let someone hurt you.

Some things like religion also play a part. Like woman's loyalty to a man.

And if you guys don't care so much how come you listen to it so much...
That is why you just don't talk to those girls anymore. It is obvious if they were in any real danger or didn't really love him they would just leave.
May I also add that if you are so sick of hearing it why don't you confront the guy? It may stop the problems. And if you are hearing about abuse you should call the police.
The only girls who nag, and nag, and na...aagg.... *gets tired of hearing them*. Are the preps. Other than them, I've never heard any of them complain, well maybe occasionally they'll complain about teachers but that's it.

This was a conversation at school about my friend (which is the girl and a prep) and her boyfriend:

Girl: Stop it *name*!
Boy: But your not getting it!
Girl: You know what?! I'm tired of arguing!

And I'm to lazy, hungry, and tired to continue. But that's the basic idea.
Although some girls are complete $*%&&, there are instances where a girl stays in an abusive relationship because she's scared of being alone, or loves the guy so much she puts up with the abuse just to be with him, etc. There's lots of reasons for it. There's also instances where the male can be so abusive that he might do something even worse if the girl attempts to leave him.

It all depends on whats really going on. It's all well and good moaning about girls who moan, but you don't know what the truth of the matter is :\