GL Update 12/3


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It's a new month! Snow on my Gaming Latest?! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the twelve and final forum update of the year 2022! It has been another long year and so as always...

---- Of the Month ----

No question on this MotM, congrats to Heatman Heatman for the many awesome posts and actually posting more than me!

Topic of the month: Microsoft Teams Adds Support for Classic Games

As a reminder, there is one last spot for MotM for 2022! Next month will I will pick 2 lucky GL members who reached MotM status and gift them a free $60 value video game! So post lots in this upcoming month, help out the forum in some way or do something amazing to win the last spot!

---- Monthly post awards ----

November's awards have been handed out! Gobble, gobble to the winners!

---- Feel the holiday spirit----

We got some snow falling for the forum! Looks like Kratos got himself a hat! (on the gl green theme) and so much cheer! What oh what could Revolved101 Santa Gamer be planning to bring all the good male and female members of GL this year?

Also the Christmas theme is live once more to choose from!

---- Gif----

Much like easy to use smilies on the forum, we now have Gifs as well! Right next to the smile icon, click on Gif to insert an easy-to-use motion image on the forum! As always, please make sure to post appropriate pictures where they apply.

And that is all! I hope you all have a good month and stay safe while shopping for the holidays! See you folks in 2023 for the next update!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 489,432 posts and 4,147 members. In this last month we made over 3,562 posts! We also gained 2 active new members!
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Wow, that's nice. I didn't follow up that much last month but I'm in with both feets now.
Yeah I it was nice and you can find the pervious GL Update here