GL Update 3/3


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Welcome to a new month! Month of voting madness! And many new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the third forum update of the new year! Lots to cover so as always let us start off with....

--- Of the Month ----

Member of the month goes to @cpvr for offering to help advertise it! Thank you very much :D

Topic of the month goes to: Flying Cars a thing?

---Big Personal News! ----

I am happy to announce I am engaged to @xKall3n and plan on having the wedding one year from now! Lots to do and plan but as always I shall keep the forum going!

On that note, store credit purchases for gaming money will be paused for a few more months, but shall return once I get a clear sight on my budget for the year. In the meantime, be sure to fight for the contest prize: Gaming Passions Posting Contest

---- February Awards ----

Thank you! Top five posters of the month have gotten their awards! Congrats!

---- Discord once more ----

Please be sure to join our discord! To get snippets of game deals, quick general chatter, watch some games/anime together and more! All info here: GamingLatest Official Discord Server

---- Vote for Gaming Latest ----

Tis that time again, Forum Promotion's site battle madness is getting under way and GL is representing in the west division! 2025 Official Bracket & Off-Topic Chat

When it comes time, be sure to vote for Gaming Latest! Be on the lookout for the topics requesting your help!

That's it for this update folks! I hope you all find something to love and enjoy the forum changes :)

--- Stats ----

We currently have 546,448 posts and 4,236 members. In this last month we made over 1,380 posts! We got 7 new members!
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