GL update 4/3


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It's a new month! *posts this while wearing a bio suit* And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the fourth month of the year, thus making this the fourth update for the forum as well. I know everything in the world is pretty insane right now, fear and anxiety is at an all-time high but I do hope everyone who stops by the forum is feeling some comfort from the day-to-day fears. Anyways, time for as usual....

---- Of the Month ----

MotM goes to... froggyboy604 froggyboy604 for his constant tech and gaming comment posting! Thanks for remaining so active.

Topic of the month is.... tiktok

---- sickness ----

I'm sure you don't want see this in the headlines, but for most the second half of March was felled by a pretty bad cold (not crona!) so I ended up not doing much. And these days anxiety is still kind of gripping me pretty hard, but I will be getting a few things done this month, which hopefully one of them being an arcade and some content updates to the forum.

I thank you for your patience, and so long as I don't get anything else I hope to have a better update come next month or in the following weeks.

---- Content Staff ----

I like to welcome Juneberry Juneberry as a content poster for Gaming Latest, we will be working with Juneberry to help increase most non-gaming news content here on the forum. Every little bit helps in making this forum a better hangout for gamers :)

As a reminder, we are still looking for staff: Staff revamp and hiring

---- Software update ----

Since I have your attention, there will be a forum software update this Wednesday into very early Thursday morning, so around 4/8 roughly between 11 PM to 1AM CST. There will be some slight forum downtime as I make sure everything is updated. Only thing to come from this is updated security patches.

And that is all! I hope you are all taking care of yourself, specially mentally. Work hard on those gaming back logs and please stay safe everyone.

We currently have 422,000 posts and 4,126 members. In this last month we made over 1,580 posts! And gained 32 members.
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Yikes. Does this upgrade includes some downtime?
I really hope there wouldn't be any effects for my IP....I am able to access this site, finally without changing my IP.