GL Update 9/7


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It's a new month! We're getting new gaming hardware soon! and new updates on the Gaming Latest forum.

Welcome to the ninth month of the year everyone, sorry for the late update but being summer and going back to school has made your admin lazy and busy! So better late than never we as always will start with....

---- Of the Month ----

Congrats to froggyboy604 froggyboy604 for making member of the month for his impressive tech posts and for this month's topic I've decided to go with the catchy topic Anthem.

---- We are old! ----

Just a reminder that the forum turned 9 years old this past month, please look forward to our 10th birthday!

---- Arcade ----

New month so some new games, this month I bring you Pokemon Hunt and Bomb Jack! Enjoy.

As always, if there are any issues in the arcade please let me know.

---- upgrade ----

Just a heads up I did a forum update recently bringing us to the latest xenforo software version. Our skin maker has also applied upgrades to the skins to keep them functional. If you notice issues be sure to let staff know.

---- Images won't upload ----

Either as a topic or PM attachment or trying to use the media gallery. The images aren't uploading, I'm still working with Xenforo to get this sorted but with no error displaying it could be sometime before it gets working. Will hopefully update soon.

---- Questions for the members ----

If you haven't yet, please leave your feedback in this topic. I hope to have any needed changes done by end of the year.

---- Demonic University ----

Hey! Heads up, your friendly demon admin (Demon_skeith) is now attending university for a bachelors degree! Where this leaves me time to post more on the forum while waiting for class to start, please be aware that there could be some delay in getting news topics posted or replies made due to the fact I would have to work some days when normally doing that stuff.

Sorry for any delays, but I and the other staff will remain committed to the forum!

---- Thanks for sticking with us! ----

That's another update folks. I know things are dragging around here but please be assured we remain committed to bring you daily news and updates! We have lots of things in planning stages so please look forward to more news and updates from us!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 196,146 posts and 1,952 members and in the last month we made 1,311 posts and got 16 new members!
Enjoy University, well it's fun. Gotta keep the good fun days. I spent 4 years doing Cert one to three and started the forth. Anyway thinks for the late delay update of all time lol