Gonna ask this even though I know the answer...


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I added a coworker on Facebook a few months back. I randomly one night sent him a couple music videos by an artist we talked about at work. The next day he took me aside and said he doesn't like to mix work and personal shit. Fast forward a month later, I upon happenstance hear from a couple of coworkers that they're friends with him on Facebook and message him all the time. We seem to be close at work. What do you guys make of this? I was kind of cold toward him today.
My only question would be did he ask you to send him anything related to the music you discussed?
Sounds like a d-bag to me. I say hell with him.
Okay, if he doesn't like to mix work with personal stuff then why does he friend people from work on Facebook? If you want to keep your personal life and your work life separate, then don't friend all your co-workers on Facebook.

Secondly, if that is the answer he gave you but he is messaging other people on Facebook, then why did he friend you on Facebook? The guy either doesn't like you or he's playing favorites. Either way, he is a d-bag for it.

I would unfriend him if that is how everything is going down.
at this point i do not have a Facebook. but at the time of the discussion i did. basically what he told me was BS. someone on another forum told me that he thinks i'm coming onto him.
I don't blame you for getting rid of your Facebook page. The only reason I have a Facebook page is so that I can keep up with some of my family members that I don't live that close to. Otherwise, I'd not have one in the first place.
I don't blame you for getting rid of your Facebook page. The only reason I have a Facebook page is so that I can keep up with some of my family members that I don't live that close to. Otherwise, I'd not have one in the first place.

main reason I use FB, stay in touch with those far gone.