Good website software for active websites which will be around for many years?


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I feel WordPress would be a good active website software for running a website which will most likely exist for many years, and have many new posts posted to it on the site everyday like government websites, charity site, company website, and news blog.

WordPress is more likely to be around for a long time, and not abandoned by the makers of WordPress. WordPress has a lot of website users including big companies, government, and news companies which use WordPress to run their site. The makers of WordPress will continue to release software updates, security updates, and fixes for WordPress because of the high demand for WordPress.

The many WordPress Users can also donate money to the WordPress at WordPress Foundation , so WordPress is unlikely to have money problems. web hosting most likely donate some of its earnings from ads and web hosting to which work on improving WordPress's software.
Well, WordPress is the most popular one I think. A lot of people will still continue to use it in the future.
Can't go wrong with wordpress. It's the best out in there compared to others especially blogspot. Wordpress is good for any level, whether be it beginners or professionals.

To be honest, I don't think so.

Many people are leaning towards ether blogging software or forum software. Site builders are rarely used these days.
Can't go wrong with wordpress. It's the best out in there compared to others especially blogspot. Wordpress is good for any level, whether be it beginners or professionals.


Thanks for posting the informative infographic.
phpBB is an okay forum software. I seen a lot of forums use it for many years.
Hard to say, needs change every year as I can contest from going from IPB to Xenforo.
I'm not sure I understand what you meant to say. Could you rephrase that? What needs change every year? And are you saying that you regret having switched from IPB to XenForo? :confused:
I'm not sure I understand what you meant to say. Could you rephrase that? What needs change every year? And are you saying that you regret having switched from IPB to XenForo? :confused:

I'm saying a person's needs change every year. I never thought I move from IPB to xenforo as IPB no longer worked for my needs.