Google Chrome OS web usage share doubles, but still small


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If Google Chromebooks are top sellers on Amazon and have growing sales in the education market, where are all the users?
That’s the question I walked away with after reading Chitika’s latest research report. On Thursday, the company shared data gathered from its ad network showing that only 0.2 percent of all North American web traffic was from Chrome devices. That’s a doubling from five months ago, but is still a tiny figure overall.
By comparison, Chitika says people using Linux to hit websites on its ad network accounted for 1.9 percent of all usage.

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It's great to see that alternative operating systems like Chrome OS, and Linux are being used more for browsing the web, so Google, and Linux will continue to support them better as more people used them. Plus, both Linux and Chrome OS are cheaper alternatives to Windows and Apple Mac which cost many hundreds of dollars for the license to use them on computers. Chrome OS is also based on Linux, so if it is added to the Linux 1.9 % usage share. Linux currently has 2.1% market share.
I think eventually Linux, Chrome OS, and other free operating systems would be at 10% as more people in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and developing nations own cheaper computers where you just pay for the computer, but the operating system, and software are free to use.