Google Hires a Chief Game Designer for Android Play Studio


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TechCrunch has discovered that Google hired on games veteran Noah Falstein as the company's Chief Game Designer in April 2013. Although currently not listed, an earlier cached version of the profile said he was Chief Game Designer at Android Play Studio. Will that be the name of Google's upcoming dedicated gaming network?

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I wonder if this means there will be an official Google Android Console, or gamepad controller for the Nexus tablets like the Nexus 7 and 10, and Phones like the Nexus 4 which turns Google Android and Chrome OS devices into a TV consoles which you can plug into a TV, and use a controller to play games designed for the TV or Google Glass.
Oh dang, I posted this on every relevant forum except this one! Lol.

They could become a first-party game developer. You never know.
Google has a 1st party game which uses Augmented Reality Smartphone and tablet game called Ingress which takes place in the real world like a Reality Show, so Google hiring a successful game developer might mean Ingress updates would have newer features to make it better.

I read Ingress got some people in trouble because they accidentally tresspass on private property because they were so into the game.