Google Play Games Now Lets Users Record Gameplay On Android


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Google confirmed today that soon a new feature will be rolled out for Google Play Games, this will enable users to record footage of any game that they’re playing on their Android device, users will also be able to add voice and video commentary to create a proper gameplay video which they can then share through any medium of their choice.

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This is good news for Android gamers who want to record their gameplay with Google Play Games which comes pre-installed on a lot of Google Android smartphones and tablet. The voice and video commentary looks like a useful feature for people who make walk through videos of Android games like RPG, and action games for Android.
nice! Looking forward to seeing if any of my preferred youtube gamers utilize this. I mean I know it's doable before in a more convoluted way but this should pave the path of ease.
I am sure a lot of Android Gaming channels on YouTube will utilize this feature.

I bet, some bigger YouTubers who make Android gameplay videos, and Android Game developers may have been secretly using this recording feature on Google Play Games before release because they got an invite to use this feature.
That's pretty cool. Wish all systems you can play games on could do this, it'd be useful for things like the 3DS and Vita...
I agree YouTube is flooded with Gameplay. I bet, making
nice feature, but youtube is already flooded with gameplays.

I think Google Play games record the gameplay as a video file which you can upload it to your personal website, blog, forum, and other types of websites, or just save to watch latter on your smartphone, tablet, or transfer to your PC to watch.
if the video is in HD, no way can you upload that to a site. Easily be in the MBs.

I think there is an option for recording the video file in Standard Definition/SD 480P resolution which is the same as DVD video quality.

I think you can use programs like Filezilla FTP Client to upload larger files to your web hosting server. But, most CMS like WordPress, and Forums like phpBB have a file upload limits in the MBs, so you probably need a program like Filezilla to upload to your web server.