Google Will Allow Introductory Subscription Prices For Android Apps


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Google today announced that it’s going to allow developers to set introductory subscription pricing for their Android apps. This new option for app subscription pricing will be made available to developers soon. What this means for the average user is that they will be able to get the benefit of a limited-time discounted price on app subscription before they have to start paying full price.

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I think a monthly App subscription would be useful for app reviewers and bloggers who make video reviews or written reviews about paid Apps.

Less popular App reviewer don't earn a lot of money because a lot of app reviewers rely on YouTube ads, and ads on their blog to earn money. Smaller YouTube channels and websites don't earn much money because fewer people see their videos and posts

Reviewers who subscribe to an app would not need to pay full price like $10 to buy an app to review. They may use the App just for a few days, or weeks to learn enough about an app, so they can record a short video review of the app for their Mobile Tech YouTube channel, or to write a review of a paid app on their blog about an app they recently used.
I'm not about to start paying for apps.