Google works toward 10Gbps Internet connections


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The Web giant is working on technology to deliver data transfer speeds over the Internet at 10 gigabits per second, 10 times faster than the connections offered by Google Fiber in Kansas City, a Google executive revealed Wednesday, according to a USA Today report. That's roughly 1,000 times faster than the average US connection speed of 7.2 megabits per second.

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Wow, this is a fast internet connection at 10Gbps sounds like a great speed for watching 4K video, cloud gaming, and downloading Steam games.
I have a 10 Megabit connection, and it is fast for my needs which are watching online video, browsing the web, and downloading installer files for games, and programs.

I wonder if most people can tell the speed difference of a 10Gbps connection vs regular connections when watching online video, and browsing the web since most online video and websites have small file sizes, so they get better rankings in Google because they load faster, and to make their site faster on dial-up connection which are still popular in small towns, and with poor people.
I'd be able to tell as I download a lot of games on Steam.  I currently can download a GB in say 30 mins or so.  But with a 10 gigabit connection, that's like 5 mins. Crazy!!
I can usually download 300MB of data in 5 mins with my connection. I hope google can make this happen, the world needs it.
Yeah but how much will it cost?  And what about rural areas that have bad wires, and can only use sat. internet?
Probably not as much as you'd imagine. Sure it would be slightly costly; but, it comes down to weighing the price of the cost to the rewards it will bring.
I wonder can Google make a free Ad supported version for Google Fiber like how YouTube, Gmail, Google Plus, Search and software like the Chrome web browser, Google Android and Chrome OS operating systems are all free because Google earns most of their revenue from Advertising from Ad buyers who sell products like cars, phones, and houses to internet user by using ads.
froggyboy604 said:
I wonder can Google make a free Ad supported version for Google Fiber like how YouTube, Gmail, Google Plus, Search and software like the Chrome web browser, Google Android and Chrome OS operating systems are all free because Google earns most of their revenue from Advertising from Ad buyers who sell products like cars, phones, and houses to internet user by using ads.
LOL I know my g/f's mom can't even get DSL and there are a lot like her in America....
Google is working on a Balloon based internet service which is free. The Project is called Loon
Google rocks tho. I don't remember the last time I use Yahoo for mail, searches, or anything else.