Gorilla plays with a DS?


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That is hilarious, but also freaky how the gorilla knows how to hold it in a way.
"What? No Mario Kart? This is POKEMON???"

I liked this little comment:

The boy got his system back when a trainer lured the gorilla with an apple and was able to snatch the device out of the gorilla's hands. It then grabbed a princess and jumped up a tower of ladders and construction beams before throwing down barrels of oil.
Hah, yeah, that article just cracked so many jokes, it was too good. It's a strange world we live in, anyways.
Great article here, thanks for sharing it with us, NintenDan! That first image is priceless, with the gorilla holding the DS just inches away from his face. Now if the boy had dropped his DS in the lion cage, I'm sure this would have been a very different story, haha!
If this is what I think it is, this is ancient. Retro Studios posted about something like this on their own site (and a great coincidence for them in the run up to the game's release).