Graph Diagram shows Slow Death of Big electronics stores


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Amazon and other online retailers are slowly bleeding big-box electronics stores to death, a fact made all the more obvious this week when RadioShack announced that it was closing down 1,100 stores. Paul Kedrosky points us to a graph put together by The Financial Times that shows how the total overall footprint for major electronics retailers in the United States has been shrinking for the past several years. 

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I think people are not really going to big electronics stores because it is usually cheaper to buy electronics on eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, and other online stores vs. buying the same thing from Bestbuy, RadioShack, etc where prices are higher.

Plus, most people own tablets, TVs, DVD players, computers, and Smartphones, so people don't really buy many new electronics these days, and people ,who don't own some electronics, can't afford them because electronics like smartphones and iPads are very expensive.

Also, a lot of people are buying electronics from Target, Walmart, CVS, and Costco when they buy other stuff like socks, food, auto supplies, and medicine from the Pharmacy.
People are also building their own electronics like computers, speakers, and other devices because it is cheaper, and the parts are cheaper to buy online at sites like Craigslist, eBay, etc.

Craigslist is also making fewer people buy new electronics from stores because of the large number of people giving away or selling their old tech like Tube TV, old desktop PC, CD player, and stereo for free, or very low prices because they are moving, or they need to sell stuff fast for fast money from their old electronics.