Greatest games on older consoles


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To you, what do you think was one of the greatest games of all time on the oldest consoles like, Sega Dreamcast, PS1, Gamecube, SNES, Neo Geo.

For me, it's Neo Geo's Metal Slug, it's my favorite game and I cannot get over it because I can play that game over and over, even after beating it. It was so interesting and fun to play, I would like to see a new one come out on a newer system.

Also "Metal Gear Solid" on the Game Boy Color was awesome as well.
Super Mario RPG 7 stars on SNES.
I loved the first person shooter, Black back on the PS2. It was by far one of the best FPS games created and when I looked back to it a few months ago, I was really surprised to see that it was made by EA. It brought back memories of the fact that the games EA made for PS2 were amazing, like the original Need for Speed series (Most Wanted, Undercover, e.t.c)

I haven't really played games that are older than the PS2 era, so I can't say much more than that. Other noteworthy classics within that era though would be any GTA (Vice City, VC Stories, Liberty City Stories, San Andreas,) Resident Evil 4 for its sheer scale, Crash Bandicoot for its ridiculous difficulty and general appeal and a few PC classics such as Half Life and Minecraft Alpha.
Off the top of my head, I can only really think of games like Golden Axe and Sonic on the Sega Megadrive, Mario on the NES, Tetris on the Gameboy as absolute classics. There has of course been a lot more games that will go down in history and it just makes you think about the games that you've played in the past, loved but have forgotten all about. GTA San Andreas, Gran Turismo. Even games such as Paperboy and Duck Hunt could be in with a shout, as even though they was, well...frankly not very good, they WILL go down as classics that have helped to shape the games we're playing at the moment.
One of the best games that I ever played in terms of entertainment and replay-ability is Tecmo Super Bowl for the Sega Genesis (it came out for the SNES as well) that came out in 1993. It fixed many of the issues in the original Tecmo Bowl and I spent many hours playing it by myself, with friends or with everyone in my college house at night before and after consuming a few beverages of choice. If I still had my Sega Genesis, I would be playing it with my sons on a regular basis today.
I think there is something to be said about how big the original Legend of Zelda for the NES was, the game just throws you into this huge field with forest, caves and mountains without even giving you a weapon to fight the monsters. This way, the devs made you feel like anything was possible in this world, you can go anywhere you want, the world is yours. This is a concept so interesting to any player that is still used to this day for modern RPGs like Skyrim.

And now it looks like Breath of the Wild (The new Zelda game) will use the concept again, it goes to show you that even on the NES the people at Nintendo were creating trends that are still alive to this very day.
Well, I will leave Zelda OoT to rest for a while and mention another great game. Chrono Trigger is an incredible game in a console with a bunch of great games. Is the epitome of a classic japanese rpg done right: non random encounters, fun and fast paced battle with a lot of moves and combinations, legendary soundtrack, enthralling story midly inspired by Stephen King work "The thing" (lavos is the clown).
This is one most people have never heard of, but "Psi Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy" for the original Xbox was awesome. You had tons of powers like telekinesis where you could pick up people or objects with your mind and thrown them into enemies or just stand on top of them and move yourself over a gap or up a ledge. Insanely creative and fun game. They got sued for the idea of the game though so it got shut down, never to be remade or receive a sequel. :(

The good news is at least it was made available for free online if you want to play it on the PC.
Sonic and Zelda were always huge hits for me. I played them all the time as a kid and never got bored with them. Zelda was really popular with everyone in my family so anytime there was ever a new game released, it was always a big deal. On the weekends I'd have to wake up before everyone else just so I could get up and play it before someone else got to it, otherwise I knew I wouldn't get it play for hours.
Too many to choose, really. I'm a life-long fan of Prince of Persia (all the games that came out, especially the trilogy story which in my opinion is the best one in any video game ever made) so it would be pretty out of character to not name them as the greatest games that came out on older consoles.
That being said, I grew up playing Mario, Duck Hunt and a plethora of other games on Nintendo. I remember coming home from school early just to be able to play them, I used to spend hours upon hours shooting ducks and climbing through the Mario levels.

It was a lot of fun and I think those games sparked my interest for gaming. Not long after that I bought my first PC, it was an IBM that had crappy specs compared to today's standards and I filled that sucker up to the brim with video games.
Being how Dreamcast was my favorite console of all time I am going to reveal a few titles I really enjoyed on there. The first being Soul Caliber followed by Crazy Taxi. Then Blood and Guts which was one of those resident evil type games only with swords and stuff. The final being Ms Pacman which I couldn't get enough of when I had it. That title dying out really made me sad cause that cool game deserves a remake at least to revitalize that legendary name.