GTA 5 mod adds grappling hook


GamingLatest Slave
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Things like this really make me wish I played on the PC - the GTA PC community are always able to come up with some fantastic and fun mods. Wish I could give this a go. 

Anyone tried it?

Created by JulioNIB, the Just Cause 2 grappling mod for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is exactly what it sounds like. It adds a special gun to the game that fires a grappling hook, allowing you to easily pull yourself up to high places, or go flying from car to car. Since GTA V already has a parachute, you can even recreate Just Cause 2's unique means of traveling across the map.
just as long as it don't get you banned. Reminds of Zelda though.
I remember seeing another video of this. Same concept though. It would be so awesome to be able to do that in real life. Yet that darn physis holds you back! Yeah apparently mods will get you banned, even in single player mode.
Starskull said:
I remember seeing another video of this. Same concept though. It would be so awesome to be able to do that in real life. Yet that darn physis holds you back! Yeah apparently mods will get you banned, even in single player mode.
That is a stupid thing, PC GTA is defined by mods in my opinion. Stupid that they don't support it in single player.
I already had GTA 5 for my XBOX One but I thought mods would make the PC version worth it and I was right. I'm having a blast at the moment and the PC version is better than the console version in my book.
Mods add a lot of spice to the game!
That is so cool!!! That's the great thing about PC games the mods! I have this on PS4 so won't be able to get the mod but wish I could give it a go, it looks like a lot of fun
I tend to stay away from these types of mods and whatnot. Yeah, there's a risk that comes with using them - but it slows down my computer to the point of no return, and more often than not, they're fun for a day or so - and then it becomes lack-luster.

If someone made something purely ingenious and crazy (that didn't slow down my computer - I'm a mac user, this's a problem lol) I'd probably give it a go. Until then, mods aren't my cup of tea.