GTA 6 Isn’t Coming to PC??


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I believe R* wants revenue to be streamlined for multiple years. After console sales they want the PC sales to pick up after, so their shareholders are happy with the earnings.
They make all their money from GTA online. No way they'd limit themselves like that.
Itll probably depend on where the game is played more. If console players are higher, PC will probably be neglected.
I think PC version will be delayed, as they will use the consoles for beta/bug testing.
It will be tough for them to match GTA V sales from consoles only, they will also release the game on PC too ASAP after consoles I think. When GTA V came out there were already more than 160 million ps3 and 360 owners and GTA V got the benefit from launching on ps4 and Xone too. By the time GTA 6 is out probably there will be around 75 million PS5 owners and maybe 30 million XseX owners still roughly 60 million less and rumor has it GTA 6 costed over $1 Billion to make, shareholders will want maximum returns asap, they will need the sales from PC version of the game too asap to satisfy the shareholders.
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It will be tough for them to match GTA V sales from consoles only, they will also release the game on PC too ASAP after consoles I think. When GTA V came out there were already more than 160 million ps3 and 360 owners and GTA V got the benefit on launching on ps4 and Xone too. By the time GTA 6 is out probably there will be around 75 million PS5 owners and maybe 30 million XseX owners still roughly 60 million less and rumor has it GTA 6 costed over $1 Billion to make, shareholders will want maximum returns asap, they will need the sales from PC version of the game too asap to satisfy the shareholders.
WOW, 1 billion to make a game it must be incredible, and I do think you are right they are going to release it on PC ASAP. But They could release it on consoles first and have it a timed release on PC.
I think GTA 6 will be released on PC as soon as possible, so more people with only a PC can buy GTA 6, and post reviews about the game which can lead to more people wanting to play the game.
WOW, 1 billion to make a game it must be incredible.
in terms of open world game engine tech yes it's great, but in terms of story and characters, pretty boring to me, not to mention I am not fan of playing as a bandit badguy MC + the female character designs (PLOT) are not good enough for me overall lol. One of the main reasons on why the franchise is selling good is because it's very mod-able. I am sure fans will mod Tifa from FF7 into GTA 6 too not long after release like they mod Tifa in GTA 5 lol

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I believe it might but judging from the past they usually focus on console first.
I find it funny that they develop the game on PCs but focus on Console first. But it does kind of make sense, Console market has higher price points compared to PC I guess. But a PC version will eventually happen.
I find it funny that they develop the game on PCs but focus on Console first. But it does kind of make sense, Console market has higher price points compared to PC I guess. But a PC version will eventually happen.
I definitely think its definitely a market thing but they’ve always been like this since GTA 4 for some reason.
I still love their work tho!
Yeah, that is true. Eventually their games are just the best. Hopefully they manage to keep up the momentum with GTA 5 and RDR2.
Yeah, that is true. Eventually their games are just the best. Hopefully they manage to keep up the momentum with GTA 5 and RDR2.
RD2 is my second favourite game
the graphics are absolutely amazing which makes me even more excited for GTA 6.

I miss the chainsaw, fire extinguisher, and the spray paint. Honestly, I’m skeptical of GTA VI, the campaign from V was no doubt the best, and it’ll be hard to top that, I don't know what new things they could add online that we don’t already have in V