May 17, 2011 #22 S Super Leaf Official N3DSC Leaf Credits 1,003 RootBoi said: Dolphin said: I sure hope it isnt called a feel,considering you cant feel anything on it. technology isnt there....yet *shifty eyes Click to expand... Maybe they will actually blow our minds this time by bringing 4D? Click to expand... If that happened and it was cheap like around $200-$300 I bet it would sell as good as the Ps2 did But I want a classic console,nothing with too much gimmick stuff. Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2011
RootBoi said: Dolphin said: I sure hope it isnt called a feel,considering you cant feel anything on it. technology isnt there....yet *shifty eyes Click to expand... Maybe they will actually blow our minds this time by bringing 4D? Click to expand... If that happened and it was cheap like around $200-$300 I bet it would sell as good as the Ps2 did But I want a classic console,nothing with too much gimmick stuff.