

Well-Known Member
Anyone going Trick or Treating this year? I know I will!, you're never to old to Trick or Treat, though some states banned mature people to go Trick or Treating :p

If you're going what will you wear? If not, what will you be doing instead? And if you could dress up as anyone or anything this Halloween what would it be? And maybe why?

This year I'm throwing my Mario Hat and a Mustache and be the Mexican Mario (I can impersonate Mario's voice well and his famous, Ya-hoo) or a Mini Sombrero, mustache and a bag of Oranges and yelling "Naranjas! Naranjas!" (If you don't know the translation it's "Oranges! Oranges!") and also bring my skateboard.

If I could dress up as anything it'd be a Zombie! I'd like to scare people x) but not get shot o_o

Worst treat received on Halloween?

Best and worsts costumes you've ever seen and if you go trick or treating come back and share your best and worsts on Halloween night.
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lol. I am probably not going trick or treating but if I would like to dress up as Taka Sasuke from Naruto and have the sword and everything. * it would be cool
Ok so I'm going to add this as well.

Worst Trick or Treat, treat you've ever received?

Mine were pencils and a pamphlet about Halloween
Can anyone beat me?

Also best and wost costume you've seen in your life and if you're going to Trick or Treat what was the worst and best costume you saw that night?

Best I saw was a toilet xD , worst... Lady Gaga ._. don't want to talk about it, sooooo horrible xD
To contribute, the worst costume I have ever seen was my own costume a few years ago... It wasn't even a costume. I didn't want to wear a costume so I wore my long sleeved black shirt that said something about video games. Many of the people giving us candy thought I was dressing up as a video game even though it was just a shirt -.- Kinda made me mad lol.
But I'm going to avoid all the old people, they suck and don't give me lollies.
Oh I'm totally going to those white Vans that say "Free Candy"

To contribute, the worst costume I have ever seen was my own costume a few years ago... It wasn't even a costume. I didn't want to wear a costume so I wore my long sleeved black shirt that said something about video games. Many of the people giving us candy thought I was dressing up as a video game even though it was just a shirt -.- Kinda made me mad lol.
Haha, sucks it happened to you. At least you weren't the Lady Gaga I saw x)
I am going Trick or Treating this year, since the last time I did it was 5 years ago.

Im just gonna be myself, but in all black with a t-shirt tied into a mask.
No trick-or-treating, but there were some parties last night.

Unfortunately, I literally slept 17 hours yesterday and had zero time to prepare for any parties. On top of that, I didn't have any costume ideas to begin with. Sadness! Hopefully next year I'll go to something.
I know I won't. I'm 19. Around here, they won't give you candy after you turn 17. Because I live in a small area, everyone knows me so... no lying about it.
I won't be trick-or-treating but I went to the bar last night. The Sleazy rave crew brought their whole setup in and threw a wicked Halloween bash. I did some zombie-like and bloody face paint and ripped a up a shirt. Wore my fedora. It was awesome.
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No trick or treating, but I go to several adult parties around Halloween as well as an audience participation Rocky Horror showing. Also, GMX, one of the biggest conventions in my area, is always the week of Halloween, so I consider my cosplay for that to be my costume. Maybe I will post the professional pic my friends and I had made of our Pokemon cosplays... Though then you will know what I look like... >.>
I felt like bombarding some shopping mall event for small children but resisted the urge. And that was all of my Halloween shenanigans in less than two minutes.
Naaaaah. If I want candy I'll just go out and buy it. Besides I eat crisps more often. Not to mention the holiday isn't celebrated in this house. Sure, I'll participate with stuff and have fun but trick or treating is where the line gets drawn.

We also don't get many trick-or-treaters either. I think it was last year or the year before and we had one group. All we could give them was a bag of small crisps each. We don't bother with Halloween because so few people here do it.

I'd rather stay at home and play Spyro and have a bag of crisps to myself.
Haha wow, I didn't even go trick or treating, couple of friends wore mask, I wore my sombrero and we were just skating around city hall xD