NES Happy 35th Anniversary to the NES!

D-Pad Doc

The Neopian Otaku
Full GL Member
On October 18th of 1985, the western equivalent of Nintendo's Famicom and known savior of the video game crash of the 1980s, the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES for short), was released in North America. This October 18th marks the 35th anniversary of the beloved 8-bit powerhouse that revolutionized video gaming for many years to come.


Do you have any fond memories of the original NES back in your youth? Are there any NES games you've enjoyed from the console's heyday or even today? Any NES accessories or other NES-related memorabilia you own? Feel free to share and discuss if you choose to do so.

Now get on out there and play some games of Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and any other NES games you know and love from the console's library and also watch The Wizard if you want as a way to celebrate the NES's 35th anniversary.

Now you're playing with power, Nintendo Power!
I wasn't born at the time but I think I did play it at my older cousin's house. For me, GameBoy advance was out when I was like 5-6 years old.