Harry Potter Getting a TV Series


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Harry Potter is getting two Wizarding World TV specials as part of a five-night event on HBO Max.

If you didn't pick up the latest issue of The Daily Prophet this morning, then you might have missed the news about WarnerMedia's plans for the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. According to The Hollywood Reporter, HBO Max will be playing host to an unscripted Harry Potter quiz show and a retrospective special, which will air over five nights on the streamer.

The quiz show will see Harry Potter superfans competing to answer trivia questions faster than the speed of Hermione Granger's lightning-quick hand-raising in Professor Snape's potions class. The four one-hour challenges will take place over four consecutive days and will finish with a retrospective special, airing across HBO Max, Cartoon Network, and TBS, with international viewing plans to follow.
I never expect that there will be a Harry Potter TV series at this time.
I am really tired of this Harry potter and I am so not kidding (_ _)
Oh well, it's a good news for people who like Harry potter a lot, I suppose.
I thought it was going to be an actual TV show and not a quiz. Should be pretty good for some Harry Potter fans though
Probably. If it was a summer thing they would have advertised it already. I figured it would be fall or winter before we got it if it did start this year.