GC Harry Potter : Quidditch World Cup


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Has anyone played this game?

For this game, you can go through and play Quidditch using any of the four houses (Gryffindor, Huflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin) from Hogwarts. You can take your team through all the games and try to win the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup.

You can also compete for the World Quidditch Cup using any of the following teams: United States, England, Japan, France, Germany, Scandinavia, Spain, Australia, and Bulgaria.

However, you can't play a Hogwarts team against one of the professional teams. You have to play against Hogwarts team (if you are are using a Hogwarts team) or you have to play against a professional team (if you are using a professional team).

I believe they made it for PS2 as well, yes.

I had it for the Nintendo GameCube. I played it till I completely beat the game.
Well, it has over 60 reviews on Amazon.com, so I'm sure that there must be some people out there who have played this game. :tongueout:

Not myself, but I do have to admit that it looks pretty interesting.

I'm sure those reviews were people who were Harry Potter fans like myself (or they were people who were at least mildly interested in seeing how fun the game was).