Has the mid generation refresh caused issues?


GamingLatest Slave
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I think it has. Here are my thoughts:
  1. Surely the next Xbox or PlayStation has to be more powerful, I think the PS console can manage this, as the PS4 Pro only upscales, but the XB1X is already native 4k, how to improve on that?
  2. They were launched recently, it can surely only harm sales of the next generation of consoles
  3. People will expect it now again, so won't purchase the new consoles until the refresh happens.
I like to think Sony and MS put themselves between a rock and a hard place, but I would hope they have some kind of grand plan going on in the background.

1. They can still upgrade ram/processor and graphic cards. I'm still waiting for the console that has like no loading time. Seriously, press the power button and be gaming the next second. SSD that stuff.
2. I mention this before on the next Xbox topic, MS is really shooting themselves in the foot and XbX owners are feeling betrayed. Much like how I was with Nintendo's N3DS.
3. I know I will, since I always come in late I'm going to wait for it as long as possible.
They can still upgrade ram/processor and graphic cards. I'm still waiting for the console that has like no loading time. Seriously, press the power button and be gaming the next second. SSD that stuff.
I think PlayStation can improve quite a lot on these aspects, as the games currently don't run native 4k, 60 on PS4 Pro, but they tend to on the XB1X, so there isn't a great way to move for them that justifies a completely new generation.
Every refresh usually causes an issue. Even today, there are still lots of issues raise during refresh and that cannot get rid of.