Hate doing laundry!

I see
That makes sense. But usually companies don't hire maids for employees though....as far as I know...

I think some companies hire staff to do laundry for work uniform and costumes like clown costumes and cosplay costumes. Some uniforms like custom suits, vests, leather shoes, bullet proof clothing for police officers, and costumes may cost thousands of dollars, so the company may not want workers risk damaging them with cheap poor quality soaps, chemicals, and washing machines.
ain't nothing wrong with having clean clothes to last you during the week, or several weeks. until its time to do it again... haha
I think some companies hire staff to do laundry for work uniform and costumes like clown costumes and cosplay costumes. Some uniforms like custom suits, vests, leather shoes, bullet proof clothing for police officers, and costumes may cost thousands of dollars, so the company may not want workers risk damaging them with cheap poor quality soaps, chemicals, and washing machines.
Wow....I never thought of that before.
I suppose that's one way to look at it. But I highly doubt police officers get special attention like that...
Wow....I never thought of that before.
I suppose that's one way to look at it. But I highly doubt police officers get special attention like that...

I read a few post online that some police officers get vouchers/gift cards which they use st local laundry cleaner stores, or the police officers are paid less money, so some of the money from yheir pay cheque is use for cleaning their uniforms according to Do police officers have to pay for dry cleaning their uniforms, or is this paid for by their employer? - Quora
nice gifts for those who risk thier lives.

This is true it is a nice gift for police who risk their lives to protect people.

Police Officers most likely have to clean their uniforms very often which can be very expensive and time consuming if the officer uniform get dirty many times a day where they need to change into many clean uniforms per day.

Some criminals sometimes spit or throw junk on officers uniforms, and some criminals like drunk drivers maybe covered with spilled beer, food, and dirt if they had to lay on the floor while being arrested which can dirty uniforms.

I think many police also have to do many other tasks which can dirty their uniform like first aid and rescue tasks like saving people from car crashes, and apply bandages to wounded people because it can take many minutes for an ambulance or fire truck to arrive to rescue car crash victims who risk getting burned alive if their car is on fire after a crash.
Ugh ... I hate when I had to do my laundry on a weekday.
It's just too tiring but it's not a choice anymore.... Sigh...
I feel now that there is the Coronavirus sickness, I feel doing laundry can be somewhat scary and risky for people with health problems and older adults, and they need to wash their hands with soap and water after doing laundry for clothes worn outdoors because they may get the Coronavirus which may make them and other people sick or die if they get infected.
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Apparently though not all detergent is made to be antibacterial.

I feel using non-antibacterial detergent can be somewhat risky for people who work at jobs where they may come in contsct with a lot of bacteria, and they wash their regular clothes with their work uniforms.

They also infect the washing machine with bacteria, and cause other people to touch their bacteria which can be gross for people who hate touching bacteria from other people's clothes which were wash with the same machine,
I feel using non-antibacterial detergent can be somewhat risky for people who work at jobs where they may come in contsct with a lot of bacteria, and they wash their regular clothes with their work uniforms.

They also infect the washing machine with bacteria, and cause other people to touch their bacteria which can be gross for people who hate touching bacteria from other people's clothes which were wash with the same machine,
I agree with this
Usually everyone here uses surf excel and it's too popular. Based on that we all assume that it's just the perfect solution.