Have you ever regretted buying a Game?


Insane, but humble
Have you ever regretted buying a Game? Has any of the games you bought seemed not up to your standards? One that you might actually name as a "Bad Game"?

I have only one. Mario vs Donkey Kong Mini Land Mayhem. I saw it at Gamestop and wanted it. I had $30 at the time and decided to get it without any background knowledge of the game. It was a mistake. I had no idea that the gameplay changed in the game and you can't move the minis around!
I'd rather not go by games I've tried for Wii, PS2, Xbox, and Xbox 360, because if I don't recall them immediately, then that means I successfully repressed those awful awful memories out of my mind.

Instead, I will go by games attached to my Steam account, being that PC is now my main if not only platform and I buy all my games off steam.

Bioshock: I'm sure it's a FANTASTIC game, and I REALLY wanted to like it, and I was very impressed until the combat came it. It was very stale, boring, and repetitive. You hit things until they die while you lose health. It was boring and repetitive, and I dealt with it for a few missions because I wanted to like it until my boredom exceeded my limits and I died. Didn't have the interest to keep going. I think I will give it another chance soon enough, though.

Blacklight: Tango Down: The enviroments and visuals are stunning, and I was fairly impressed, but the AI is very boring. They run fast and go to cover, but they hide there for minutes at a time, and pop out for a few seconds, hit you everytime, and go back into cover. Which is good, but if you don't hit them enough, you have to wait for them to pop out again, keep in mind like 10 people at a time, and it's pretty boring. It gets to a point where it's just like whack a mole with guns.

Call of Duty Black Ops: I'm going to be honest, this is pretty self explanatory. Call of Duty 2 and 4 were very impressive, showing pretty good design and interest from the developers. MW2 felt more watered down and tried to be more impressive than it rightfully was and kinda let me down. Well made game, none the less. Black Ops was like that except taken to a whole new level and from a dev team I had just started to respect with World At War. Black Ops was a little depressing to me.

Dogfighter: Controls are completely terrible and the whole game is just boring and not fun. I really like the levels though, the visuals are pretty cool, but the team could have done a WAY better job.

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days: Holy christ, where do I start. When it came out, they did a TON of advertising and put out a ton of dlc, I assumed it was going to be popular and good. I knew there have been a few Kane and Lynch games and thought it might be a good game. It was on sale for 5 dollars so I thought, why not? The game, from the start, is uninteresting, the story was uncompelling, and the gameplay was awful. You spend the entire time chasing after someone while getting shot at by everyone. So you have to chase these guys, either stop, kill everyone and run, which isn't even fun because the actual gameplay is pretty damn bad, or you can just sprint past everyone making so you just sprint after them. You can't lose them either, they stop after a while for you to stop. It was impressively bad. I actually regretted spending 5 dollars. I would have much rather spent it on some tacos or something.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior: Seriously, if you don't know by now, read ANY review. The game is just boring. It looked cool and seemed like there was some fun to be had. There's none. What so ever.

Sorry if I wrote a lot but whatever.
^Writing a lot is good!

@Aegis, I thought Nuts and Bolts was pretty cool. Wasn't a conventional BK game, but the ability to create so many different vehicles is just fantastic in my opinion. Creativity knows no bounds!

And lessee...Rainbow Six: Vegas (PSP) I picked up after playing the 360 version. Well, wouldn't ya know it? The PSP version was awful in just about every way imaginable. The game even had lag in single-player mode. Seriously, what is that?
Unfortunately, it happens a lot with me and iPod games. Some of them are absolute crap that they digitalized.
I never buy iTouch apps. Only bought 2 so far. And I don't cheat with a jailbreak or stuff like that.

I think I've regretted a couple games, just can't remember which.
Actually yes.

Legend of Zelda's Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks. They were boring and poorly made, imo.

These 2 Lord of the Rings games I have. They were RPG's, but they were long and boring and they weren't worth the time to play them. At all.

Lego Star Wars 2. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl. It was fun at first, but it doesn't live up to SSBM, the SSE was boring, the characters suck, it's glitchy as hell, and feels too rushed. It's obviously not a finished game because I keep encountering glitches.

Elder Scrolls: Marrow Wind. I can honestly say this has to be the worst game ever made in existence of games. I mean they send you off and they don't even tell you what to do. It's so easy to get bored with because you walk around for like 10 minutes figuring out what to do. Even after a year I have no clue what to do because all the freaking doors have high levels. I went EVERYWHERE and there wasn't a level 1 door. The game is just too flawed.

Final Fantasy The Crystal Bearers. Ok maybe this is the worst game in existence, but either way it sucks. This is the first FF game I've ever played and even I know that it's not Final Fantasy. FF is an RPG. It was made to be an RPG. I have no clue what they were thinking when they made this one.

Eh that's all I can remember for now.
Probably Simpson's Hit & Run, hah. Fun for one playthrough, then just ridiculous.
I loved that game. It was mainly the ability to explore a 3D world based on a 2D one I could easily recognize. It was fun to explore and play around it. I never ever got bored. Had so much fun with that game. Simpsons Road Rage is like that too but not as easy to explore in, though. Both fun games. Simpsons skateboarding was pretty fun as well. The Simpsons game was like that but not as much as Hit n Run. Hit n Run was less linear.
StarFox Adventures - Just too different from it's previous N64 game.
Sonic and the Secret Rings - To little freedom.
Sonic Unleashed - Terrible. Don't know where to begin.
Tony Hawk: Ride - Don't play it.
Worms Blast - I was expecting it to be turn based like before, but it's a puzzle game.

I'm sure there's a lot more, but I can't think.

Worms Blast was a mistake because I got so excited by the name, I failed to read the box :/
Sonic and the Secret Rings... >_<
Demon's Souls and Dark Cloud.

I should really stop listening to what /v/ says...
Left 4 Dead 2. Last time I paid full price for any game. The game was fun for a while, but I found myself going back to the first game since I liked those characters more and enjoyed the atmosphere better. Definitely worth the price it is right now, but not worth $50. Not many games are worth $50 these days.