Have you seen many people play Pokemon Go in public?


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No, I have not seen many people play Pokemon Go in public. But, I saw a few people play it at the park.
I've seen loads of people playing it. Lots of which right down the block from me since there is a GYM there. Lots of sketchy people playing late at night though in dark parts of town using those 'lures' to lure pokemon (and people) to the locations. Which is why I worry about people getting hurt playing it at night.. but then again many dumb people have gotten hurt because well.. there are idiots among us.
I don't exactly go out in public much but I think I did see one guy playing it at a restaurant.
I've seen a few people acting like they're probably playing it (looking at their phone while walking, hanging around the local park), but they're nowhere near as common as they seem to be in the US.

Also, I've seen very few people playing it outside of town. Guess the lack of a decent signal in a lot of places around here means it's not worth playing outside of the town centre.
I've seen a few people acting like they're probably playing it (looking at their phone while walking, hanging around the local park), but they're nowhere near as common as they seem to be in the US.

Also, I've seen very few people playing it outside of town. Guess the lack of a decent signal in a lot of places around here means it's not worth playing outside of the town centre.
For the most part, the game is pretty useless outside of town. They use this GPS signal tracker thinga-ma-jiggy that basically means they have pokemon and pokestops and gyms only show up in 'busy' GPS areas. If you are in a rural area, Pokemon Go is pretty meaningless. I live outside of town and I don't even bother opening the App since nothing shows up where I am since it's not busy enough for Niantic to add stops etc in my location. :( Although, I can still go for walks near my home and hatch eggs.
Yeah, I know what you mean there. I find very few Pokemon when outside of town as well.

And I haven't had the luck to find any eggs prior to today either. So all those long walks were kind of useless for this title.