Have you tried the Beta version of Microsoft Edge web browser based on Chromium web browser?


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I have tried the beta version of MS Edge. It feels like Google Chrome, but with Microsoft Edge's user interface.
No matter how good it is, I just don't think I could ever get used to a Microsoft browser. I just love Chrome way too much
I feel Windows users will complain less when downloading Google Chrome and Firefox installer files with Edge when Microsoft Edge switches to the Chromiom web browser engine in the future instead of being based on Internet Explorer like the current non-beta version of Edge.

The new Beta version of Edge performs and look more similar to Chrome, and can use Chrome browser add-ons and plug-ins. But, the default search engine is set to Bing, and you can login to your outlook.com account to earn Bing Reward Edge points to trade in for giftcards.
Is this something new then?
I haven't.

I don't really like any other browser except for chrome and I got used to the chrome interface... So...
I haven't.

I don't really like any other browser except for chrome and I got used to the chrome interface... So...

The user interface of Microsoft Edge Beta is similar to Chrome, so I think most users could get used to Microsoft Edge beta which use the same Chromium Blink web browser engine as Chrome.
meh, I would just use chrome.

I would use Chrome as well.

I feel Microsoft Edge someday being based on Chromium can be good for people who are stuck using Microsoft Edge on a stranger's PC or at a public PC at school, work, library, internet cafe, etc because the owner of the PC wont install another browser on Windows 10.

Hopefully, Microsoft Edge being based on Chromium will also make Edge less likely to get a PC infected by a virus by just visiting a website like in the past with Internet Explorer.