Hello everyone! Long time no see.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody, been awhile since I've visited this site with the intention of posting. I think I am going to make a comback and maybe stay here for a while, mind if I take off my shoes and hang up my coat?

To make a short summary of who I am:

I used to be a moderator on this community some time ago. I left due to some grievances I had, to which I do not wish to delve into.

I like to play video games a lot, and recently got a Pink Nintendo 3DS XL and currently have a ton of games with it, I also bought some Decals for it, and a few cases.

Decals, 3DS XL and me:


I also have a Tumblr I post on once in a while, but I mainly reblog stuff, which is mainly Art, Game related posts and porn. I will not link it here directly, but if you search hard enough you might be able to find it.

I play games often on steam too, if you wish to add me, my profile is here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018775684/

I hope this introduction was satisfactory to your tastes, I will answer any questions you may have.
Neat decal you have there. I see lots of people on the internet are buying those clip on decals for the 3ds XL. Might have to order one myself. Anyway, Welcome back! It's been pretty peaceful here, actually. We don't really have troublesome users anymore.
Welcome back!!! Glad to see you've made a return. A couple of old members have recently resurfaced and become active again. It's nice to see old face, although the new faces are great too!