Hello from an Isolated Gamer!


Well-Known Member
A warm hello to all of you who lurk and peruse this fine forum. My name is Aaron, and I am an American ex-pat living down here outside the Talamanca rain forest of Costa Rica. I have been a rabid gamer since the early 80's when all those delightful videogame arcade cabinets and home consoles first started making their appearance. Yeah, I am that old.

I tend to stick to the PC when it comes to my gaming nowadays, and my favorite ones tend to be strategy games like the Total War series or Command and Conquer. Lately, my inner Trekkie has been obsessing over Star Trek Online to the exclusion of most other game that I have in my library though.

My comparative isolation to the rest of the world means that I don't get to make a run to Game Stop quite that often, and what passes for malls down here aren't entirely up-to-date as far as inventory. For example; we didn't get Skyrim until March of this year. I guess it's a small price to pay for living in paradise, my inner nerd has to learn patience if I'm to survive.

But I look forward to interacting in this forum, as well as making new friends and acquaintances who are may be willing to hook up on an international Total War battle sometime!
Hello and welcome to GF!

Please be sure to read the rules and enjoy your stay.