Hey Hey Hey It's AEGIS TIME!




Name's Aegis.

I've been on many Nintendo forums, plus gaming forums and anime forums and just about anywhere else really.

I know my way around these parts of the intertubes, so I should do quite fine.

Y'all can welcome me now, lest I scared you off.
Oh, hey. Welcome to the community!

Oh, and if you're wondering why all the purple and Waluigi and stuff, that's because it's Waluigi Week this week!
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Oh, hey. Welcome to the community!

Oh, and if you're wondering why all the purple and Waluigi and stuff, that's because it's Waluigi Week this week!

Heh. Waluigi. Least favorite character in the Mario series.

But i'll let you kids have your fun.
Welcome to Nintendo 3DS Community! Yeah, as you may have guessed, it's Waluigi week, so the avatars and stuff are well... Waluigi themed. However, you'll be happy to know the whole fad'll be over by about Sunday or so, so it should return to normality soon.

Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to Nintendo 3DS Community! Yeah, as you may have guessed, it's Waluigi week, so the avatars and stuff are well... Waluigi themed. However, you'll be happy to know the whole fad'll be over by about Sunday or so, so it should return to normality soon.

Enjoy your stay!

I'm kissing you are the admin of this establishment?

*kisses ass*
Welcome to to our community! We're very friendly here in Nintendo 3DS Community, so I'm sure you'll find a strong basis of friends soon enough. If you have any questions, or would just like to chat, please feel free to talk with me.
Whozzat now? Well you seem like fun, welcome to the forums. The name's "Porkman".
Welcome Aegis! What a lovely name, it has many different meanings, all of which deal with a type of power! I used to play a game where there was a warrior spell called 'aegis sphere' and it raised certain specs of your character, very fun. :]

Anyhoo, I'm Arcella (temporarily Waluigella)! Glad to see you are enjoying our site so much already! Hope to see you around the forums!
*makes snide remark about girls being on the internet*

Nah, nah, I kid! But seriously, thanks for the welcome! I actually had this name for many many years now. It all started when I was studying Greek mythology in middle school.........and....yeah, I just thought Aegis sounded cool.
The "Reflector" part was a suggestion from my buddy.

Arcella....now THAT'S a unique name. Lovely, too.