HitchBot Surveillance Video of being vandalized


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The hitchhiking robot known as hitchBOT was destroyed in Philadelphia over the weekend. And now we finally have footage of the jerk who did it. Vlogger Jesse Wellens posted the footage below to Snapchat. It shows a lone man in a sports jersey repeatedly kicking hitchBOT.
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He seems to have anger problems. Hopefully, he turns himself into the police now that there is a video of him destroying HitchBot, or he at least send enough money to the creator of HitchBot to pay for the damages he done to HitchBot.

I think this video proves that it is not safe to keep anything like a robot, statue, garden decorations, tools, or bike outdoors because there is a chance of your stuff getting vandalized or stolen by criminals with nothing better to do with their time.
I would like footage of him before attacking the robot, as in what causes it?
Demon_Skeith said:
I would like footage of him before attacking the robot, as in what causes it?
He might of been drunk since I read in the comments on a blog is the area is closed to a Bar, and the area is not good.