Horizon: Zero Dawn


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Guerilla Games, the makers of Kill Zone comes this new exclusive game for PS4 Horizon: Zero Dawn.
This game looks pretty cool. 

I'd love to give it a shot. Plus given that Guerrilla Games made it, you know it's going to be decently well made. 
Looks pretty good, glad to see some more new IP for PS4. I will be willing to give this a shot and will keep an eye out for more news.
This game RIGHT HERE stole the show for me. Not the Shenmue thing, not the FF thing, not even Last Guardian, THIS game.

Who would have though Guerilla Games had the talent to pull a game like this out of their hats.
This game needed to happen. Not so much for Sony, but for Guerilla themselves. Gamers ever since the PS2 kept saying Guerilla ONLY knows how to do Killzone and they had no talent to branch into anything else.

So at the very least, this game was to show "yes, we are MORE than JUST Killzone"

I won't lie. This game has some WICKED graphics in-game. But seriously, I expect that from Guerilla. All their Killzone games graphics and atmosphere have been consitently setting standards. Say what you will about Killzone games themselves, but it's hard to debate they many devs can top them graphics wise on a console. Horizon proves that hands down.
I really wish I didn't see this. This is the first time in YEARS that I said to myself "I wish I could play this game right now" after seeing E3.

I mean sure I've wanted to play stuff I saw at E3. But this is the first time something I saw made me want to play it like RIGHT NOW.

Sony better bundle and market the life out of this game though. This is the kind of game that only flops if they ALLOW it to. No excuses.
I'm proud of GG. They can finally shut up their critics and get the "just killzone" monkey off their backs. I'm sure they'll go back to KZ eventually...maybe even soon. But at least now nobody can say Killzone is all they live and breathe. It's disrespectful to the developer. So for GG, I'm happy for this reveal.

Oh and yes, I want the game too.
It is a big change up for the developers, interested to know how they will do with something they have pretty much complete freedom on creatively. 
This game looks pretty fantastic, it's one of the reasons I want a PS4 now. It looks kind of like sci-fi post-apocalyptic Monster Hunter-ish in a way. Does anyone know if it is gonna be open world? It looks really open.
I was on the fence between consoles because of the games of the PS4 and my friends on the Xbox One, but this has basically sealed the deal for me. I love creative games like this that you just couldn't have imagined on your own, and I actually cannot wait to play it.