How about increasing the level cap from 100?


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It's been set to max out at level 100 for a while (at least, without glitches or hacking), and I was wondering why Nintendo has never thought to increase it yet.

Could help make the games more balanced really, especially if you were adding two or three regions in a game. Think about it, the biggest general criticism I see of Kanto in Gold and Silver is that it's too easy right? And the other criticisms I see with most Pokemon post game content is that either it's too easy or too much of a difficulty spike compared to what game earlier, partly because the devs know that to challenge a decent player they need to make all the opponents either have really overpowered teams of Pokemon (for stuff like Unova's post Elite Four/N/Ghetsis content or the battle towers/frontiers) or really weak ones simply because they need to make it possible to still increase the difficulty as you progress through the region (Kanto in Gold and Silver). But if you had say level 255 at the maximum, you could start with the opponents having Pokemon at say level 60 and slowly go up to the point the true final boss (like Red or Cynthia or the game developers) have a team at level 200+.

What do you think?
I think 100 is good. It keeps it so your stats are different enough for each pokemon to have it's own strengths and weakness's but makes sure that n pokemon is a power house. Also it can be pretty hard to get all your pokemon to lvl. 100 without cheating so why up the levels to make it even harder?
I think 100 is nice round number. It's hard enough to train Pokemon to level 100 without getting bored quickly. I couldn't imagine raising it any higher.
How would this make the games more balanced? It would just make all the older games obsolete. Also, Pokemon stop learning moves by level 65 or so generally, so there would be nothing left to gain by adding all those levels other than making it even more difficult for legitimate players to actually compete.

Furthermore, all official tournaments are set to level 50, because the developers ALREADY KNOW that asking people to get to level 100 legitimately is asking too much. Making the leveling system go higher would just make everything more difficult and make the games less playable.
Yeah there's legitimately no point, 100 is tough enough. Idk about everyone else but I've only gotten like 5 Pokemon ever to 100. In ruby. And I have almost 300 hours in that game.
If anything, for the whole Johto/Kanto transition, they should just make you lose all your Pokemon (temporarily) and start again, but this time just put in smarter AI to make it challenging. Sorta like the Hidden Mansion (PAL version) of Luigi's Mansion.
I think that level,100 is good the way it is.
Imagine that you're a game designer , you'd have to put the max ev and stats up for every single Pokemon and since it's clear that that's not going to happen in black 2 and white 2 then you'll have at least 100 new Pokemon in the next game on top of all the others bringingthe grand total to more than 750. No one can get one Pokemon to level 100 after a playthrough with a 6-Pokemon party.
He's the thing: the story in Black 2/White 2 is so stacked, I was at level 85 before even fighting the elite 4. So a level-cap increase would be awesome for post-game.


There is no second region in this game, so that's not an issue here.