How can Sony save the Playstation Vita?


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It's been doing pretty poorly for the last few years, especially when compared to the 3DS. But is there any way that this can be turned around? Any way that Sony can save it and actually make it a successful console?
I can't see it happening. There's no real killer app on the Vita and Sony is showing no intention of releasing one. Maybe if it got a GTA game it could drum up some interest and a boost in sales, but for now it is a dumping ground for indie titles. I'm still sad it won't be getting Bioshock like originally announced. The price is too high for what it had to offer and the memory card prices are absolutely atrocious.
Sony has stated they are keeping it as an Android-like device as it is making plenty of money as such. As for sellers, it has Minecraft, which has been selling it pretty well.
I don't see Minecraft carrying it too far though. They need something that you can't get elsewhere. 3DS has the Pokemon games to bolster it. Vita needs something.
Oh, I fully agree. I got my Vita last year (not even a year ago, actually) and love the features it has, but the library of games sucks ass. The worst part is that it doesn't end there; it falls onto all the current-gen consoles - even Nintendo is slowly developing symptoms from the Indie virus.

I'm sick of PS4, Vita, (arguably the 3DS as well if you wish to include it) and Xbox 1's almost all-Indie library, and if it is a display of things to come then it is time for me to break out my NES, SNES, and N64 again because to Hell with this generation of developers and "games". Ya know, you go out and buy a high-powered gaming device with state-of-the-art graphical capabilities and what do you get in return? A library of games the likes of which I've seen better for free on Newgrounds back in the late 90's! It is bullshit and I feel ripped off as a gamer.
Yeah, it is very disappointing. Too many B-tier developers went belly up last gen due to ballooning "HD" budgets and unrealistic sales expectations. Now all you get is one big AAA game and a dozen Indie titles. Those B-tier devs could have flourished on the Vita with their unique titles that still retain mass appeal and a decent amount of polish.
That's an interesting point. To be honest, I have to wonder whether that hasn't hit portables in general. I mean, the 3DS is doing well, but that's because Nintendo is making good games for it. The handheld world in general has pretty much lost about 75% of its third party developer support.
They really can't save what is dead and flat lined. The vita has a few key titles keeping it slightly going but it needs a lot more to be better than PSP or 3DS.
I don't think it's that the can't save it, but that it wouldn't be worth it to put the effort into saving something that already has a stigma attached to it. With the proper mass marketing flurry, and putting a great deal of effort into slamming out a few AAA games for it, with more coming down the line they can show off to prove their support for the console, they could easily dominate with it.

It's frankly a better console then the 3DS, it just has an incredibly lousy library if you're not into indie games, B games with no real following, and older releases. With more big name games (And some designed to be a bit more casual like Nintendo's offerings rather than FPS's and the like, stuff more people would be interested in playing on the fly) I think it could really do well. I think Sony just expected it to do as well as the PSP did, kind of riding on it's coat tails, and never really gave it proper support of advertising. All their first party, overpriced extras for the system hardly helped either- the memory cards are insanely expensive for no reason, and it's only the newer Vitas that use the same chargers as most phones do, you used to have to use a special one. It's like they did their best to turn people off over the price of everything, then just sort of... gave up when everybody declined to buy it. Exactly the opposite of what Nintendo did when their own system wasn't doing so hot.
Nintendo has done pretty well for themselves when it comes to handhelds. Because of this, I find it hard for Sony (or anyone else for that matter) to compete with Nintendo when it comes to that.
Nintendo has done pretty well for themselves when it comes to handhelds. Because of this, I find it hard for Sony (or anyone else for that matter) to compete with Nintendo when it comes to that.

most likely why we haven't seen Microsoft try and release a gaming handheld. Nintendo rules while Sony gets the scraps of the handheld market.
aaaaaaaaaaaand the Vita is officially dead by Sony's views:
3rd party support only goes so far.
To be fair, the Sony reps did backtrack and say that while they don't 'currently' have anything in the works right this second,t hat does not mean they won't soon/in the future, and that they will continue to make games for the console. I don't believe a word of that though, I think they were just reacting to all the negative media attention the announcement received. I'm sure Sony is thinking the same thing that everyone else has already figured out- it's just not worth their time and effort (and money) to get the Vita back in the public's eye. The console is old now, by technology standards and already has a stigma attached. They'd need a ton of new marketing schemes across all spectrums, and a massive influx of games with a clearly laid out listing of things being developed for future release as well. They'd essentially have to do a relaunch. I'm betting Sony is jsut hoping that the Vita slowly slips into the abyss and causes them the least mockery possible while it does it.
I don't think they will actually do much to improve the Vita. I wouldn't be surprised if the Vita comes to an end after one more release to be honest. They will be focusing more on actual consoles in my opinion and ending the life of the Vita would surely free up some additional funding for the consoles. As benoit stated, there is no 'killer' game or app for it which grabs our interest. I don't actually think a GTA version for the Vita would do much in terms of a sales boost considering they have GTA on the PS3/PS4 etc.