How Do you Deal With a Bad Gaming Day?


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Full GL Member
It seems every now and then I have a day where it seems I just cannot do good at games, particularly highly competitive ones like FPS's. Sometimes I keep trying to play it, but if I'm not able to improve I will usually get off and play something more casual or a simulation game or something.

Do you ever have days like this? If so, what do you do?
Always! I've been trying to get good at Black Ops 3, and sometimes I just have a bad streak of games. My problem is I normally have at least one other thing going on, so I'll turn that off. If that doesn't help, I change games. Maybe I'll play some WWE 2k15, or play a quick game of Civ V.
I do have my moments of having a bad day on FPS (on CoD games), I will just finish one match and don't want to do much damage to my character. Then I will just move on to a different game (like Bloodborne or Life is Strange), a single player game mode or just do other things (like reading or going out) if I am not feeling like playing a game after a bad match.
I have days when I'll go online for a online battle or a FPS match and I may get wrecked badly, makes me wish I just stuck with a offline RPG. Then there are days where I dominate.

I still remember one CoD Ghost match on the skyscraper, I set up shop in the middle of the map with a auto gun and owned the match for the entire match.
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Yep, got those days. World of tanks is those games, where I win allot of battles and get good scores and then the complet opposite of lossing and die.

One thing that you all shouldn't do is smashing things up from it :P
I can swing both ways sometimes it makes me just stop gaming for a while and do something else, but honestly, some other times I can be pretty stubborn and remain glued in place until I perform more to my own standards, change strategy to see if something else works better or I restrain the competitive side and try to relax again. Most of the time after a while I feel better, specially if I realise I am taking myself way too seriously, it is just a game. Funny enough, it seems taht the less I am trying to prove myself the more I can recall doing well in a game.

Of course, sometimes just staying there when I am being stubborn can really backfire. Sometimes I just get so angry and disappointed at my reflexes I just don't want to know about that particular game in a good while and a dread trying it again because I am still sore from the bruise to my ego last time caused. You just don't want to suck as bad as you remember you did last, because it just invalidates any previous victorious memories you had.

Like I said, sometimes I can take too seriously a videogame. I am not a very competitive person in nature, so it takes some times for me to get into it. However once my competitive side wakes up I really get into it. I even start getting both cocky and grumpy before I realise I am doing it depending how am I doing in a match. Fortunately it is only like temporary outburst during the night and I have rarely gotten out of hand. My controllers are still working and I think I haven't scared my friends playing with me... except for Smash, but I deserved it when I decided it was a good idea to imitate Karin's laugh every time I knocked someone off.
If this happens, I just turn the game off for a bit and go browsing the internet or something. And if I still want to play a game? Time to bust out the emulators, since save states and rewinds make up for even my worst lapses in skill...