How do you relax/blow off steam when mad?

I watch something silly on Youtube, usually! Like, one of those cat videos that people always coo over, or singing rabbits, or anything from Fail Blog. Laughing always makes me feel less angry. :grin:
I usually like to listen to music. I try my best not to get mad though. I haven't been very mad in months now. I'm enjoying my life.
Well, I was curious of methods other people use to calm down/relax.
i have many way to calm myself if i am angry...
one of them is playing fighting game... by playing those games and completely owned the opponent, i can find myself at peace....
you can laugh if you want.. but it's the truth.....
i am the kind of people taking out my frustation on other things....
i'm sure.... this is not only me...
most humans have the same ego as i am....
and that's not all..... sometimes i can relax or calm down by hearing some soothing japanese songs.
And the singer of the songs that calms me the most is "Mami Kawada".
Try hearing her song and i'm sure you will have the same opinion as me.
Hope that can help other people to calm in these situations
I just ask myself if it is going to matter a couple days from now, then go on Youtube or something and watch videos to keep my mind off of it. I usually don't get mad about anything but sometimes it's inevidible.
The only way I know of blowing off steam when I'm mad is to go and pray to God and ask for his guidance. I also breath and count 1-2-3 3-2-1.
Sometimes in the games that I play you need to mute your own team in order to simply relax!  When the game is over though, I take some time off.  If I had a particularly rough match, I might workout or read a book in order to take my mind off of things.
When I am mad, I like to write or play video games mostly. I tend to write short stories about my life and what is bothering me. Then I think of ways that I can make it better. I also do breathing techniques to calm myself down.
I like to cook and play video games. Yesterday I was so upset that I made 2 meals with dessert. I then went on to play video games with my husband. I think he likes it now when I get angry. I have found a productive way to channel my anger.
Well, I just like to play relaxed games. Usually the games I like to play are the casual ones. Perhaps Minecraft is a good choice because it does have quite calming music and it is pretty casual.
I basically play competitive games like League of Legends. I skype with some friends at the same time and we (purely on skype) talk smack about people on our team or the enemy. There's something therapeutic about complaining, haha. That said, no need to spoil the fun of others.

Outside of that though, reddit is another place to sort of shut the brain off and just relax.
I do some breathing exercises and I don't answer someone  when I am angry until I filter it through a ten second delay before speaking.  Kind of a personal censor button! 
Zawazuki said:
It's near impossible to make me angry. So, I don't know what I do.
Pretty much me too.

If anything I can be grumpy and moody for a while, but it passes quickly.  I get over anger fast. 

Relaxing because of stress however, gaming is my sanity, that and youtube.
I like to go out for dinner or taking a walk or something because when I am mad if I stay inside I think that I will end up going crazy or something and that would not be good for me in the long run. I also like to take some time and watch a movie that I have been wanting to watch or I take the time to listen to some music. I just like to do things that would take me away form the feeling of being angry.