how long before the USA is killed by debt?

@DS Why would we need money though?
@Nolvorite The day the U.S. pays back this much money is a day when we won't be alive, and maybe not even our children.
and maybe not even our great grand children.


and your kidding me right with why we need the $$$ right? Do you know how much shit our government founds? all the bail out money they had to pay to the banks. all the medicare and stuff? all of the middle east war bills and giving money so that the middle east could rebuild.

main point is, we keep giving out money but fail to get the money back so we can have a + money amount.

and your kidding me right with why we need the $$$ right? Do you know how much shit our government founds? all the bail out money they had to pay to the banks. all the medicare and stuff? all of the middle east war bills and giving money so that the middle east could rebuild.

main point is, we keep giving out money but fail to get the money back so we can have a + money amount.
Yes, but why from CHINA? We give Israel money for free! $10 billion a year? That's fucking bullshit.
President doesn't do SHIT. lol The rich men run this country. THEY make the decisions. The presidency is just there so people think we have a democracy in the sense of voting. And I strongly doubt we screwed up that bad, considering we are still functioning, albeit gas prices rising. We still have our money, we still have our stuff, we still live the way we did.
I read that the United States borrows $0.58 for every dollar we spend. The spending is out of control and your right it is going to come to a head sooner or latter. What I think is going to happen is countries are going to stop borrowing us money and our economy is going to crash, our money will be worthless!

The United States only has our selves to blame, what did the stupid leaders of the country think would happen if we shipped all of our jobs over seas. And imported goods that were cheaper then any American company could make?