How long can tech be fought?


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You look to the left and you see people from the age of 2 to their 90s using cell phones and can't break away from them no matter what they are doing.

You look to the right and everything is going 'green' and practically everything that can is heading to computers.

Even though these things are taking over the normal human life they are places and people who fight against these by saying no cell phone in class or driving or a business won't use any online features for it's self.

so the point of this debate is how long can places fight technology and all that?
I'm not really sure what you mean. Do you mean like the Amish opposing them?
It's pretty common knowledge you can't use cell phones during class, or at work (your job pending), and shouldn't be used while driving.

And yet people do use them doing those times. I'm asking how long that can be fought against before the schools or work places say whatever.
Always. It's not like they really care, but if they see them, they take them away.
Oh shit, that's harsh. lol My teachers just take them a way, but I'm a ninja; I've never been caught. o_O
Well, probably half a decade or less. Atmost a decade, after that no matter how much someone hates using a mobile phone or GPS or other stuff, they would use it eventually.

This is just my opinion.
Well, probably half a decade or less. Atmost a decade, after that no matter how much someone hates using a mobile phone or GPS or other stuff, they would use it eventually.

This is just my opinion.

There maybe services where people will help people use tech like GPS sort of like how some people rather pay someone to make them a website to promote their offline store rather than making their own website.