How long have you played a game?


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What is the longest you've ever sat down to play video games? I'm not counting having to stop for a quick run to the bathroom or anything like that. But how long have you played a game before you either went to bed or had to go to work/school or just had to stop?
I think the longest one for me was around 15-18 hours. Can't remember exactly.
Pretty sure I had a 5 hour session sometime during my younger days.
I can't remember the longest I've ever played. The longest I may have ever played has probably been 2 hours before I had to go do something else or was told to stop for some reason.
The longest I remember is back when I had the Original Xbox I played for 20-22 hours straight playing San Andreas and Prince of Persia, switching back and forth.
I got misunderstood, I based my answer to the thread title not reading the first post. I thought having a run to bathroom and taking snacks, lunch etc. is counted tho.

Why ya'll people don't bats on Kita's 15-18 hours :p
I don't exactly remember, but if I had to guess, it was probably somewhere around 8 hours. Back when i got my first PC, there were days when I would just sit from morning until evening playing video games. Especially when my family was at work.
Has anyone ever played all night when you were suppose to be sleeping instead? Or did you play during the day?
I think by brother did that one night when one of his friends stayed the night. I don't think he ever stayed up on night to play again since then, or at least I don't remember him doing it.
*tisk tisk tisk* How old where you when that happened, D_S? Were you dragging at school the next day?