How long will the Xbox 360 stay alive?

I think it's going to stay alive for 3-4 more years to come. As long as the install base is still their on previous-gen consoles, companies like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision would go for cross-gen games instead of making a current-gen game only. Of course, there would be a few exceptions like CD Project Red who wold never compromise with the scope and quality of the game just for the sake of putting it on more platforms and sell more copies. 
I won't be getting an xbox one for a while just because I know they will get cheaper, which is what I think everyone is doing also.
Potentially a loaded question so will have to provide a political answer. Depending on what you mean by "alive", I am going to assume that to mean how long will it stay a viable gaming option, instead of a one-off go to.

Personally speaking I think it will easily live on for another year or two, while the gamer waits for an increase influx of games to the XBOX ONE. Furthermore, it may well stay on for longer as it is a great console, with plenty of games to still play on which were released quite recently.

Now to the flipside. Inevitably, like most consoles, I believe the XBOX 360 will cement it's place in the "classics" book as it were. It will still be played on the off chance for the nostalgia feeling. Personally speaking I will be packing mine up and storing it safely so a decade or so down the line (only to curse when it doesn't work), and hopefully crack on with a few games of FIFA or COD.
I personally believe that it won't last too much longer. I still think it's a great console, but with the Xbox One out now, I'm pretty sure that's what Microsoft is gonna be focusing on. Just like how Nintendo pretty much cut off the Wii due to the release of the Wii U.
As long as developers still support the console, i could see it lasting at least 5 years. I've still got one now and i still go on it and still enjoy playing games on it. As soon as games start becoming only on the Xbox one (Which could take a long time), i will then move on to the Xbox one as then it will be the death of the 360 for me.
Xbox Live was discontinued on the original Xbox back in 2010, and the 360 was released sometime in 2005, in other words, it was discontinued 5 years after the 360's release. So it may stay online for another 5 years, but since the 360 was more successful than the Xbox, its Live may stick around even longer. It all depends on if people are still playing the 360 online. They only closed Xbox Live on Xbox so they can focus more on the 360 (less users on the Xbox than Xbox 360), so the same may apply. It's also possible that if Xbox One sales are slow, that they will be either more likely to keep the 360 online longer, or shut it down on the 360 sooner in encourage Xbox One sales. In the end, we don't really know, and we won't know until that time has come.
Since you can't play Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One, and with all the criticism surrounding the new console, it will probably stay around a while. There are games that have been in development before the reveal of the new Xbox One, and they are still being designer for the Xbox 360, so probably it could stay around for 2 or 3 years or so. 

The last game made for the original Xbox was Madden 09 (I guess?), being released in 2008, 3 years after Xbox 360 went into retail.
The Xbox 360's multiplayer will stil stay for around 7 years, as it has awesome games. I don't have the money required to buy an Xbox One, but when I will have some, I'll buy it.
The xbox live community has a lot of loyal members with them. I for one could never see myself switching over to the playstation. I love everything about the xbox, one of the main things being the controller layout and the graphics that it has to offer. The ps3 cannot compete with that. Although, the ps3 does have some games that are only available for the ps3 that are really tempting. Which leads to a question previously asked before: How well would xbox have done without Halo? Regardless, though, I would never make the switch, especially with all of the friends I have made through xbox live.
I see the Xbox 360 being prevalent for a few more at least, especially until the price on the newer consoles come down some.  Older gaming consoles generally take a few years before they truly fall off and even a few years after that before the system just stops being supported all-together by the company. It'll be interesting to watch what happens with the 360 as the xbox actually hung on for a long time after the 360 came out. 
2 years at best. Microsoft are pretty awful at supporting their older consoles as exampled by the original xbox after the 360 came out.
It'll probably be around another 3-5 years, I'm going to hate to see it go. The Xbox 360 is such an amazing console, I've enjoyed mine since 2009 and it's still fun to play whenever I'm bored.
i believe they have said it will be supported for another 3-4 years before they drop it completely im sure it will slow down before then though