How many controllers?


GamingLatest Slave
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I normally own 2 controllers for each system just so I can play with a friend when they visit. This is the case for my Wii, Xbox 360 and PS2. I only have one controller for my PS4 as of right now though, I will probably need to buy a new one soon.
I have one controller for each of my systems (Tells a lot about my social life.) except for my wii u.....

Wii U:

Wii remote with nunchuck plus the wii classic pro controller

Wii U pro controller

gamecube adapter along with smash bros gamecube controller


too freaking much!
Wii U seems to come with a lot of accessories. Do you find yourself using all of them or do you tend to only use a normal controller for most of the time?
Once I finish Xenoblade chronicles I don't see myself using the wii remote again unless I get paper mario or a VC game. 

Not sure about the pad, GC I use often for smash bros and the wii u pro controller will hopefully be used more.
I always have two controllers as well. With the exception of PS2, we have about eight in our apartment. I had four growing up, after friends happen to leave their controllers at my house. And my boyfriend has four, two of them being wireless. We definitely don't need all eight! 
Two seems to be a popular number... and that's the amount I have too. Always nice to have a second one lying around in case you want to play with someone and it can't hurt to have a backup in case something goes wrong with the one you are using.

Same goes for the pc, I always have a backup mouse just in case. Mainly because I drop my mouse a lot so you never know when it's going to drop again and explode into pieces. :grin:
The PS4 only comes with the one controller straight out of the box so that's all I've ot. When people come round, they've all got PS4's aswell so they just bring their own controllers, always works out alright.

Most of my gaming is now done alone when I'm playing online anyway, so I can't really justify the expense of buying another one just to be sat on the shelf.
Yeah I have two for my PS4 managed to find a really good deal for one on ebay, looks like they were from faulty consoles so they just sold them separately :)
I try to have two controllers but at the moment I have only got one controller for my "main" console (Xbone) and in recents weeks it seems to be glitching a lot. I'll probably get another controller when I can afford it and use the current one as a back up.
Well, this is a question that is a bit tough to answer. The reason is because I still own the following systems:

- Nintendo Entertainment System (yes, the original North American NES from the 1980's)
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Sega Dreamcast
- Amiga 500

I have them all stored in boxes, tucked away somewhere, but regardless, they all have at least two controllers each. With the NES, I have the NES Zapper (aka, the Duck Hunt Gun). For the Amiga 500, I have an Atari Joystick that works with it and a Flight Stick for flight simulators.

As for my current PC, I have an XBox controller, as well as the Razer Tartarus keypad.
I normally have two controllers. Not much more. Specially considering that nowadays split-screen is nearly dead and we only ever get 2-player at most...

If it's the rare occassion where we're playing 4-player games, like Street Fighter x Tekken rumble mode or an older CoD, my friends bring a couple controllers themselves.
Seems I'm about the same as most everyone that has posted on this thread! I always keep 2 controllers for any system that I own. To be honest, I don't have enough friends for it to be worthwhile having more controllers. I could probably get away with having just one actually, but I keep two around anyway just in case. Most multiplayer that I do is online, though. 

If I was playing a game that needed more controllers, the friends I have all have their own gaming systems anyway, so they could just bring their own ones over to use.  