How much is your website worth?

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huh, 5k for GF. *gets an itch to sell.*
Because Page Rank is dead and has been for the last 2 years or so meaning all that information is outdated and any site launched in the last 2 years will not have a Page Rank but might actually have a high PR if Google recalculated. PR isn't a good way of assessing site value anymore. 
That is so not correct. has estimated worth of $ 13,151 and have a daily income of around $ 8
Who would pay that amount fr OPF, anyway? :D
alakazam said:
Well, it is a forum about the most popular anime in history, so... you may never know...

Also, 32 000 posts in one year? :blink: That's remarkable. Many forums don't get that kind of postcount in their first year... :geek:'s no longer that active (_ _)
How old is beautiful forums anyway?

Demon_Skeith said:
I think GF only got a couple thousand in its first year.
Still, it's the coolest forum with good post count *-*
Good job ;)
alakazam said:
It's one year and a half... Statistically speaking, OnePieceForum is definitely more active than my site... I don't know why you say that it's no longer active...
Definitely not. BF is more active :P
My users...well....they nag me all the time about various stuff (_ _)
that reminds me. I promised that I will look at the theme after June 10th.