How often do you eat pizza?

I thought I was the only one, back in middle/high school I had it pretty much everyday.
I don't like pizza all that much.

I do think paneer pizza and cheese pizza are good but they are not great.

I really don't get the hype of pizza to be honest. .I don't have pizza that often
I like pizza but I won't make it several times a week. The last time I had pizza was on Monday. My hubby and I made a couple of pizza's for dinner. We'll eat pizza a few times a month but we won't eat it every day or anything like that.
I only eat one meal a day, and pizza is almost always it! Sometimes I skip my meal and don't eat at all (aside from snacks)

What was I saying? Oh yeah, I love pizza (I'm a real PARTY dude, if you catch my drift, and the reference!), and I eat it almost every day!

In fact, I am having some right now! I typically eat 5 slices out of 8, because if I eat anymore, I can get bad cramps, and that's no fun! I used to be able to eat a whole one (and sometimes I still can), but you know what age can do... Oh well!
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I only eat one meal a day, and pizza is almost always it! Sometimes I skip my meal and don't eat at all (aside from snacks)

What was I saying? Oh yeah, I love pizza (I'm a real PARTY dude, if you catch my drift, and the reference!), and I eat it almost every day!

In fact, I am having some right now! I typically eat 5 slices out of 8, because if I eat anymore, I can get bad cramps, and that's no fun! I used to be able to eat a whole one (and sometimes I still can), but you know what age can do... Oh well!

a bit pizza crazy are we?
I don't really eat pizza that much. Probably 2 times a week when I buy a slice from a fast food restaurant.
Weekly most likely. It's the go to food when ordering since the others fast food chains have a low chance on being good imo (or I'm just unlucky) aaaand it's my mom's go to buy when my sister and I are home alone.
Real pizza from a pizzeria - once a month, I think. Pizza from product shop or bakery ( I call it false pizza) - once-twice a week.