How often do you go to the beach?


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With it getting hot out there eventually, how often do you go to the beach? How long do you usually stay when you go?
I haven’t been to the beach in years. The last time i went was in 2016 or 2017. I stayed for about a week the last time i went. The closest one to me is about an hr or two away depending on traffic. If there isn’t any traffic, its only an hr.
Been years and don't care to go back.
It's still quite chilly in England at the moment so no beach trips just yet. I tend to opt to go to the beach when the weather is much water and more consistent.

I would say each year I tend to go to the beach at least 2 - 3 times, sometimes more if I can.
I haven't been to the beach since 2008, The beaches around here are not that great. So I never feel the need to go. I would much rather go swimming in a clean pool than go swimming in polluted lake water.
I live in Michigan so we have the Great Lakes as well as many inland smaller lakes. We try to get to the smaller ones at least in the summer. We have our dog off leash & many don't allow dogs without being leashed. Never made sense when you see the dogs go in the water though lol