How often do you see people use Candy Bar shaped non-smart cell phones like the Nokia 3310?


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For the last few years, I have not seen someone who use a candy bar shaped non-smart cell phones like the Nokia 3310 with a keypad and navigation buttons.

If I see someone use one now, I'm going to assume that they're a drug dealer :rofl:
If I see someone use one now, I'm going to assume that they're a drug dealer :rofl:

I would also probably assume someone is a drug dealer, or a user who is more concerned about their privacy if the person use a Nokia 3310, and don't trust Google and Apple at protecting their privacy from apps and hardware features like GPS and camera which are installed on modern smartphones.
I would also probably assume someone is a drug dealer, or a user who is more concerned about their privacy if the person use a Nokia 3310, and don't trust Google and Apple at protecting their privacy from apps and hardware features like GPS and camera which are installed on modern smartphones.
Their privacy is hella protected on that phone, because it can’t connect to a cell network anymore.
My mom used to have one that had a screen similar to a Game Boy Pocket minus the contrast. For now, it's flip phone TracFones until they quit working. Then back to a major cell carrier and I won't look out of place.
Candy bar shaped phones, that's an interesting description.

Hand size bar shaped cell phones with number buttons are sometimes called Chocolate bar cell phones. I think some people describe bar phones as candy bar phones because chocolate bars maybe less popular with some poor people who mainly eat some non-chocolate candy bars which are cheaper, and easier to find in very poor countries which may not sell chocolate bars at most stores.

Some newer candy bar phones are now as thin or thinner than some smartphones, so they no longer look like bricks.

I think Candy bar phones are usually cheaper than flip phones because Candy bar phones don't have a flip lid, or a small screen on the lid to display the time and battery life on the top of the flip phone lid.
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