How old school are you?


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100% old school though I'm guessing this quiz isn't really meant for people like us
100% old school though I'm guessing this quiz isn't really meant for people like us
Definitely not. I also got 100%. The last one about Kirby almost tripped me up since I haven't played Kirby's Adventure, but I don't even think Poison is an actual Kirby ability. It would be cool if it was though.
It is in the Kirby Planet Robobot game which it says in the quiz after getting it right I think.
Damn. I was so sure Super Mario Kart was the negative fifteenth Mario Kart.

I got 7 out of 7. But then, I was born in 1989, so...
i got 100%...

"Back in the day, players had to link their Game Boy family systems with an actual cable that ran between the two."
Yes indeed. My very first console was the Atari 2600 (early,80's). :) It was awesome!
Yes indeed. My very first console was the Atari 2600 (early,80's). :) It was awesome!

wow! lol, my first was Genesis then 64. I played my bros NES and SNES but the 64 was MINE! I remember begging for a Atari Jaguar too... good thing my dad didn't listen!
hahaha Nice. SNES was awesome. I played with my friend's one that he had!
hehe I was an adult when that stuff came out. All the kids would ask for them at my job. lol
Rumour has it that before the home consoles there were the Arcades. So games were around, haha.

My first video game console was also the Atari 2600 I used to play "combat", which was a bunch of different planes, tanks, etc games and the "Skiing" game where you crashed against trees and Yeti ate you up if you stopped the game for too long. I was probably around 4 years old when we had it. Then we had the NES and we rented often games. We had like two cartridges only Rygar and 2-1 Spiker V-Ball /World Championship which my dad traded for Super Mario Bros 3 with a coworker. I remember at the time I was annoyed the trade wasn't a temporary thing but soon after I realise it was them who got the sh0ort end of the stick with that trade. X'D.

Anyway, the quiz wording sounds that it is for people born 2005 and upwards.