How The Avengers should have looked in the live action movies


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This is how The Avengers should have looked in the movie if the director had stayed loyal to the comic books:

What do you think?
Thank goodness for creative interpretation, although I preferred X-Men's version of Quicksilver.
I don't know... I kind of like the comic book version more than the movie version for more than half of the Avengers.
Seems like the movie version would be more.... what they would actually be dressed as in our world. But if you have a certain hair color, that should be followed.
Movie versions for certain.

The comic versions (save Thor) don't really look like anything a person would wear into battle.
Movie versions for certain.

The comic versions (save Thor) don't really look like anything a person would wear into battle.
They're superheroes, not regular people. Superman wears underwear over his spandex pants. It's not meant to conform to mainstream fashion.
To each his own I guess. I like the movie ones better. They were attempting to market them in the way that most people would find aesthetically pleasing. It's more so how to achieve the biggest audience than how to be most accurate