How's the weather today?

It's gonna be close to 80 degrees today!
Below 30, so freaking cold.
56° right now but rain off & on. Took a nice walk earlier before the rain came in. Hopefully will be able to get outside if there's a break.
Kinda chilly but the next 2 days is gonna do nothing but rain.
Its gonna rain today and tomorrow.Yay.
Supposed to be near 60 today so hopefully I can finally open the windows lol.
A storm just came in here too. it was pretty quick though. It’s 65 degrees here.
This time of year seems to be the time for storms. Either we get warm & rain or cold & snow showers!

Right now it's 50°, sunny so a nice day!
Today is day one of 4 with the chance of rain. I hate spring already.