Hundreds of millions of Android users at risk, according to CIA docs released by WikiLeaks


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The documents exposed in this latest leak are still being analyzed by security experts, but users already have plenty of cause for concern at this point. Among them is the apparent fact that hundreds of millions of Android devices are currently exposed to a wide range of security holes. And according to a new report, Google has very few leads as it launches a massive effort to begin patching them.

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This is not good news for Android.

If you still plan to use Android in the future, it maybe a good idea to use Blackberry Android phones which claim to be more secure and private than Android Phones made by other companies
Far as I'm concerned users are always at risk. Seems like nothing is ever patched fully.
Far as I'm concerned users are always at risk. Seems like nothing is ever patched fully.

Some more privacy-concerned people believe that most stuff is left unpatched, so the government, and ultra-rich people can spy on people.
or paid to do so. Hard to say.

Most of the people who use spyware and security problems to spy on people are usually paid by the government, or someone who can afford to pay them. Some people spy on computer users to steal their browsing history, and sell your information to online marketing and advertising companies, so they can use your info to make money by sending you spam, or to sell you stuff online.