Hyped games that you think is no big deal?


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Are there any games out there that everyone is excited for that you think is no big deal? Why are you not as hyped for that game as everyone else?
The only game I can personally think of is Metroid Prime 4. I really want to like Metroid, but I just can't get into it. Backtracking is one of my least favorite things in gaming and a majority of Metroid is backtracking.
First person shooter games like Call of Duty, I know a lot of people like those but I've never been into them.
Destiny 2 was hyped and it ended up being exactly like the first one. I don't think anyone even plays it anymore. :(
I see. I don't have any of the Playstation consoles so that's why I didn't hear about it. All the consoles I have are Nintendo.
All the sports games. I never get why people love them or rave for their release.
Well, for me that would be pokemon go.

I never really understood why it is so popular and why people get so addicted to it.